Thursday, December 9, 2010

3rd world farmer


3rd world farmer is a game where you learn how other farmers in harsh lands live. You understand what it is like to live and die in poverty. This game is not only a game that teaches you about poverty but you have to play it too.

What have I learned:
  • You will need water
  • a well
  • tools
  • different crops
  • different livestock
  • health
  • education
  • vaccinations
  • top up health
  • maybe Insurance
  • stolen stuff
  • health
  • death
  • cash fails quick
  • desperate problems
How I feel:
  • dissapointed :(
  • angry >:(
  • shocked :0
  • happy, for what I have :D
  • sad :'(
  • smarter :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

AIDS DAY! - December 1st

On December 1st was AIDS day. For AIDS day our school ISKL, (international School Of Kuala Lumpur) we had a bake sale, nail painting, face painting, comitments, raffle, assembly, goods to buy, etc. All together we raised about 2,500rm! With the money, we got cambodia some medicine for AIDS.

I felt super good when my teacher told us that we raised so much money! I still felt a little weird because I messed up in the assembly. I started talking when I wasn't supposed to, but I am still super proud of myself and my classmates. One thing that really shocked me though was how little some of the people at our school knew about AIDS. Some people could use a lesson or two.

I also noticed that many people gave random donations that they didn't need to give. So all I have to say is that ISKL is a great and caring school.

GO ISKL!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ideas! What? For AIDS Day!

These are the things that we could do to raise money for AIDS reasearch

  • Pie throw
  • bake sale
  • lucky draw
  • candy sale
  • mini play about AIDS
  • show
  • dance
  • tag day (wear red)
  • jar wars (winner gets house points)
  • face paintign
  • cheer
  • something that everyone can do, like a game
  • Fashion show (teachers wear red and kids vote which deserves to be AIDS day uniform:P)
  • Everything has to be red
  • Ask sam's and connie's to make red icying for their cookies or something
Those are my Ideas!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What are some examples of Global Issues?

Global Issues are problems that are happening in the world.

One example is poverty. Poverty is very common around the world. Poverty is when humans don't get enough food or clean water to live on. Over 8 million people die each year because of poverty. I think every one should care because if we didn't, we would all soon be extinct just like the animals. Also I think we should care, because if we do care the hungry can be helped. I don't want to just stand by and let it happen.

Another example is AIDS/HIV, Malaria, etc. Malaria is known as one of the most deadly diseases in africa. It is carried by Mosquitos and when an infected mosquito bits a human, the human is automatically exposed to the virus. Malaria kills 350 - 500 million people a year! AIDS?HIV kills 5500 people a day!!! Thats a lot of people! We should all care because if we didn't our future generations will have to suffer just the way we did. We don't want our children's children to suffer this horrible thought.

One last example that is not about people is Global Warming! Global warming is infecting animals and humans al around the planet. Global warming is when CO2 is let out into the air creating a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer has a hole 24.7 square km( area ) big!! I think that we should all care because we don't want to let our future generations suffer when the earth, some how, dies.

I don't want to just stand by and let it happen. I know what you're thinking, what can I do? Well, you can help with poverty by playing
free poverty or free rice. You can help with AIDS/HIV and malaria by donating to the UN. And you can help with Global Warming by turning off you fan or AC when you are leaving the room, turn off the lights when you leave the room and when you are in the car and waiting for some one turn off the engine ( kids ask you mom to do it for you, you don't want to press a wrong button or flick a wrong switch)


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