Thursday, December 9, 2010

3rd world farmer


3rd world farmer is a game where you learn how other farmers in harsh lands live. You understand what it is like to live and die in poverty. This game is not only a game that teaches you about poverty but you have to play it too.

What have I learned:
  • You will need water
  • a well
  • tools
  • different crops
  • different livestock
  • health
  • education
  • vaccinations
  • top up health
  • maybe Insurance
  • stolen stuff
  • health
  • death
  • cash fails quick
  • desperate problems
How I feel:
  • dissapointed :(
  • angry >:(
  • shocked :0
  • happy, for what I have :D
  • sad :'(
  • smarter :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

AIDS DAY! - December 1st

On December 1st was AIDS day. For AIDS day our school ISKL, (international School Of Kuala Lumpur) we had a bake sale, nail painting, face painting, comitments, raffle, assembly, goods to buy, etc. All together we raised about 2,500rm! With the money, we got cambodia some medicine for AIDS.

I felt super good when my teacher told us that we raised so much money! I still felt a little weird because I messed up in the assembly. I started talking when I wasn't supposed to, but I am still super proud of myself and my classmates. One thing that really shocked me though was how little some of the people at our school knew about AIDS. Some people could use a lesson or two.

I also noticed that many people gave random donations that they didn't need to give. So all I have to say is that ISKL is a great and caring school.

GO ISKL!!!!!!!