Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hey! Whats with Sudan?

Sudan is inhabited by muslims and arabians in the north, and by christians in the south. The south found something very valuable, oil. The arabians have thought themselves the rulers of the land and want the oil, but the south feels that it is their land and that they should keep the oil. this problem has been going on for a long time, but it has slowly faded in the news.

The South has been thretened and people have been killed because the north wants the oil. Last week the Sudanese finally got to vote, to stay together or to become different countries. of course the Arabians don't want to seperate because they want the oil. The result is... ... 96 percent, South Sudan wins!!!! by July Southern Sudan will be the newest addition to the countries of the world.

I think that it was great that Southern Sudan became a new country. First of all the muslims weren't treating the christians very well. Second The muslims wanted something that didn't belong to them and tried to take it by force. Third the Muslims started wars and killed many nice people.

That is why I think that the Southern people of Sudan had the right to get their own land.

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